Today I moved a few thousand dollars from a savings account and into my Roth IRA in order to max out my contributions for 2018.

Intellectually I understand this is a good idea. Emotionally I feel ambivalent about it. I like maxing out my retirement contributions. I suppose I’m trying to make myself comfortable with having a bit less cash lying around.

We’ve got 6+ months of expenses sitting in the savings account, which is what gave me the comfort to go ahead and fully fund the Roth, but for some reason I get more comfort from seeing the higher cash balance in the savings account than I do by seeing an increased retirement account balance. I suppose it’s related to the liquidity of cash versus retirement money. I know I could access the Roth contributions penalty-free, but c’mon – what self respecting personal finance need is going to let himself do that? Hopefully not me, but who knows?

Anyway, that’s the update for today.